Friday, July 29, 2011

Chai be'seret

I learned a couple of new Hebrew phrases today. The first one is tafil mone, which means "please put up the meter." In Israel, cab drivers rarely use meters. Normally you agree on a price with the driver before you leave for your destination. But tourists have no idea how much a ride from here to there should cost so they (well, we) can be easily ripped off.

The second phrase I learned is chai(a) be'seret, which is literally translated "living in a movie." It is equivalent to the English idiom "you're full of crap." So if a guy is telling a bogus story that is probably not true, you can say to him, "You are chai be'seret. That definitely didn't happen!" Or if a girl is super demanding of her boyfriend, he can say to her, "If you think I am going to buy you those shoes and that purse, you are chaia be'seret."

I keep repeating it to myself so I can remember it and use it one day soon.

Other than learning useful new phrases, I have been spending my time with basically the same group of people, and they are great. My favorite part of yesterday was definitely the beach. Today we went to the market and later we are going to do a Shabbat dinner.

My Hebrew classes start on Sunday. Yay!


  1. One thing you can do > if you have a recording option on your smartphone, just say the phrase in English followed by the Hebrew translation ...for those times you forget (I think you can label each recording with a title so you could just label it with the English phrase for easy look up). I know God is directing your path. God bless you, Maria

  2. How funny! TAXI, Em, TAXI! :) Can't wait to hear about your Shabbat dinner! luvumom
