Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Past Couple of Days

Yesterday, me and a couple of my friends went to a messianic congregation in Jaffa. The service was in Hebrew but they had an English translation. After church, we went to this awesome little cafe nearby and then walked to the beach. We were all sweating because it was ridiculously hot and we were in our church clothes, so we decided to take a cab home, put on our bathing suits, and then go to the beach. That was much better!

I had my first day of the Hebrew Ulpan today. It was overwhelming of course because everything is so new, but I really enjoyed it. I know how to say 4 whole sentences in Hebrew. I can practically carry on a conversation!

I think I'm really going to enjoy being in school again. I suppose we never stop learning, and school is such a good reminder of that. I actually had that thought today about my relationship with God. There are times when I so wish I was done learning from Him. I know that sounds silly and probably heretical, but the lessons God has been teaching me lately are difficult and painful. There are things I really don't want to be confronted with, but He confronts me with them anyway. Won't it ever stop? I'm sure the outcome will be great and I'll be able to look back and be thankful. Hindsight is always 20/20. But in the meantime, facing these things is less than pleasant.

The challenge is being thankful for the opportunity to change. I suppose I need to start learning that. See, we never stop learning!


  1. You are a good one, Em! I can promise yo that the outcome WILL be great! Your cup will run over. We are praying for you and love you much and much! Mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great minds run in the same channel! Donny and I were talking today about wishing we had studied more good theology. As you know donny has taught me to love Walt Kaiser, David pawson, and Francis Schaffer for what they are teaching us at this age!! I'm jealous for your Hebrew class and the greeeeeeat door it will open for you without doubt!!!!! But I would be sweating dirt, because Hebrew is hard. I remember our school at CTWC school with Graem Bird. I learned to read two lines and caved in. I'm so proud of you. Susan is going to tell you about MAAOZ, which is CFTNations Lindsay daughter there in Tel Aviv with her Jewish husband and their church. We met a woman yesterday who told us that they have a church with a lot of young people there. I'm anxious for you to check it out. We met the Lindsay's at Gov. James inaugration in Alabama some years ago. Life is always learning, if you're wise. LOOOOOVVVEEE Gran.

  4. Just a hello from Massachusetts - see you are learning the language!! We never stop learning no matter how old we are - as my mother would say "you learn something new everyday" But look at what you are learning - it's fantastic.

    Sounds like you are fitting right in there - Enjoy the experience.

  5. Emily,

    If I know anything about you, its that you would be bored out of your mind if God stopped teaching you new things!

    Also, I'm really proud of you for making this journey and for sharing it on a blog. :-) I can't wait for the next post.

  6. emo this is a test from unk dave - were having trouble

  7. Dear Eme,

    This another test only this time Miss Computer is doing the typing!!! It's cloudy and not so hot today.Donny is going to West VA for Mike Lenze who is gone for 2 weeks. I am typing on a script and dreaming up another piece of art. What's new?
    I'm also dreaming about having a Museum of the Bible.
    I'll see if this works.

  8. Em,
    Have been busy. I looked at Ashley Sunday and she looked just like you, skinny legs and all! She is not into food right now. I hope she is near the end of her nausea. I am doing the most difficult piece of art I have ever attempted. I have been staring at it for days, trying to see what I can do. It is a complicated swirling vase. Paul now has 64 students!Dick laughs. Stay safe and off buses. Is Glenn Beck in Israel? Donny just got back from West VA after 2 weeks. Mike Lenz and his wife were in Latvia. Grumps says to tell you he prays for you, and he wants to know if you are winning in Backgammon? He beat Joshua Sunday. The reason he lost was his 17th move in the 3rd game!!!! Joshie broke his wrist and is in a cast. It's great weather - a little warm. Virgina had an earthquake today - went upward toward New York. We love you. Hope the Hebrew is going well!! Love, Gran & Grumps

  9. Em,
    Happy Labor Day!
    I wrote you a nice email and it didn't go through.
    Paul, Donny and I are busy - since it's labor day, we're going to jeremy and ashley's at 2:00.
    I'm working on donny's new book about his vision and doing the most difficult piece of art I've ever attempted! We love you!!!! Gran, Grumps & Donny

  10. Dear Em,
    I am praying throughout the day. Their are unavoidable times of Divine difficulty that purge, strengthen, break and build us all at the same time. They are designed and overseen by the Great Eyes of the Maker of real saints. You are in the best possible place - the Will of God. I'm a long way down the line, I have panicked a zillion times, but I can't remember 1 time when God has made the wrong decision for my life. Trust Him and ask for Mercy - that covers all you will ever need and all the people you will ever be involved with.Wish I was there to cheer you on. Learn now, that your life really is in God's hands, and He directs your steps. Plans come and go but His will remains constant and steady. Love, Gran

  11. Em, I walked into the church Sunday and Ashley was leading music. She looked exactly like your Dad's oldest sister - Kimberly. Donny said the same thing. She has bangs now, and that did it! The look came from Dick's mother. Also Ash is really showing now! G was studying for his classes, didn't come over. I have been trying to find time to devote to a very difficult painting. Can't even tell if it is going to work. Donny is in Boston, picking up Judah. They say they are moving to Alabama, on a farm. Looks like Yoli is going to have surgery on her back after the New Year. How much do you hear about Iran. Some here are saying Israel is going to hit them soon. But who knows except them and God. The MB are now in charge of Egypt. The election is blazing here. Right now Newt Gingrich is ahead. I'm praying - for you too. With much love, Gran
